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Arctic Youth
Film Project
Arctic Youth is a mini-series documentary, spread over 9 locations above the Arctic Circle: Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Canada, Alaska, Russia, Sweden, Finland and Svalbard.
This project will provide young filmmakers with the opportunity to capture incredible wildlife footage, onboard amazing expedition yachts.
Arctic Youth is a Film & Sail project with focus on human relationship with nature, connecting to it, and brainstorming how we can protect it.
We are giving the opportunity to young filmmakers to connect - through expedition sailing - with the Arctic Nature together with other like minded people.
The team will take footage of the Arctic wildlife and experience the raw power of nature, under the guidance of experienced expedition sailors and filmmakers.
Photo credits Charlotte Hailstone
Photo credits Florian Ledoux
The project will contribute to natural history, and the "behind the scenes" will form an inspiring documentary mini-series story consisting of 9 episodes, shot during the expeditions in Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Canada, Alaska, Russia, Sweden, Finland and Svalbard.
It will be a story of an adventure, passion for nature, making new friends, and hopefully coming up with smart ideas for protecting the Arctic. Young talents will be invited to live an extraordinary experience and share their story with a worldwide audience.
Who can join the project?
We are inviting young people (18-24 years old) who wish to take part in this amazing expedition to remote areas in the Arctic, contributing to the film with their passion and talents.
How to participate?
The number of Participants is limited to 4 for each expedition - only 36 spots in total. In order to select the best team we are announcing a contest.
Submit one minute video, the subject:
"Why is the Arctic important for me? What can I do to protect it?"
The contest will begin on the 25th of February 2021, and details will be released on our website and @ArcticYachts social media.
Photo credits Florian Ledoux
The first expedition is planned for November 2021 in Skjervoy, Norway. Thousands of orcas and humpbacks come into the fjords to feed on the herring run, making it one of the greatest spectacles of nature.
Arctic Youth is developed to connect with businesses, organisations and individuals that wish to invest in this project. We believe that everyone should be able to support a projects that makes a positive impact.
The first edition of ESVBS is an independently produced pilot, explaining who we are, pointing the direction we want to go, and inviting others to support it.
We made it free for everyone to participate and attend it.
We created it in the middle of a pandemic and global recession, with closed borders and our humble resources, but most importantly with a lot of drive, joy, sweat and passion!
You are more than welcome to tip the Creative Director
and support our creative work via
ESVBS GoFundMe Campaign
Let's connect and break the ice for expedition sailors!
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