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Ice Warrior

Expedition Training

Jim McNeill is one of the world’s most experienced and respected explorers and has clocked up over 35 years of polar travelling and expeditioning.  He has covered thousands of miles mostly on nothing but skis, dragging his world behind him. Few, if any, have that breadth and depth of experience in extreme environments.


Interview with Ice Warrior

To watch the full show

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Since 2001, Ice Warrior has trained over 400 ordinary people from all walks of life to become competent, safe modern-day explorers, undertaking seven major, ground-breaking, purposeful and worthwhile expeditions that have significantly contributed to our knowledge of the Arctic. Our quest is to help scientists gauge the pulse of the planet by developing people, to discover change and deliver it to global audiences in a way which engages everyone in the climate problem we face and which fosters a much better appreciation of the world we live in and on, ultimately helping us to survive.

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Photo credits: Ice Warrior

Jim McNeill Arctic Ocean counting polar

Jim McNeill, founder of Ice Warrior. Photo credits: Ice Warrior

Ice Warrior Project: Complete Novices Trained to be Modern-Day Polar Explorers, for the Betterment of Humankind

<< For over sixty years we have known that the polar regions are key to our survival as human beings. They provide a cooling effect which allows us to live in what would otherwise be an uninhabitable environment. We know rapid and unprecedented changes are occurring in the Arctic that effect the rest of the world and yet, scientifically it is still poorly understood. >>

Explorer & Founder, Jim McNeill

Our Latest Flagship Expedition - #Lastpole To reach the Northern Pole of Inaccessibility - from the edge of the Arctic Ocean to the very centre - stands as the last genuine world first in polar endeavours and the most important, human powered, expedition of our time. Ice Warrior’s #Lastpole Expedition will gather vital data which will substantially improve our understanding and as such is a crucial piece of citizen science.

We are Recruiting Now!

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Photo credits: Ice Warrior



Ice Warrior

Ice Warrior Expeditions Ltd.

BASECAMP Tavistock Road Princetown,

Devon, PL20 6QE UK

Tel: +44(0)1822 890338

jim @

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The first edition of ESVBS is an independently produced pilot, explaining who we are, pointing the direction we want to go, and inviting others to support it.

We made it free for everyone to participate and attend it.

We created it in the middle of a pandemic and global recession, with closed borders and our humble resources, but most importantly with a lot of drive, joy, sweat and passion!

You are more than welcome to tip the Creative Director

and support our creative work via 

ESVBS GoFundMe Campaign

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